Legal details


This website is provided by:

North European Initiative Nanotechnology e.V. (NINa SH e.V.).

North European Initiative Nanotechnology e.V.
c/o Prof. Dr. Faupel
Lehrstuhl für Materialverbunde
Institut für Materialwissenschaft
Kaiserstraße 2
24143 Kiel

Phone: +49 (0)431 880-6226

NINa SH e.V. is a registered society registered in Kiel/Germany. The society is legally represented by the executive board:

  • Prof. Dr. Franz Faupel, 1. Executive Director
  • Prof. Dr. Horst-Günter Rubahn, 2. Executive Director
  • Dr. Ralf Zimehl, Treasurer

Legal notes regarding the organisational form of the provider
NINa SH e.V. is a registered society with office in Kiel/Germany.

VR-No.: VR 6231 KI
ID-No.: DE75ZZZ00001501537

Responsible in the sense of the media law:
The executive board.


1. Liability for content

The provider makes every effort to ensure the correctness of the content of this website. However, the provider disclaims liability for the provided content to be correct, up to date and complete. All offers are without obligation and subject to change without notice.

The provider reserves the right to alter or delete the website without prior notice.

2. Links

The provider is responsible for his own provided content according to law. In contrast, external links do not belong to the own content of the provider. These external links direct to external third-party content which is referred to for informational purposes only.

3. Copyright

The website and its content is protected by the copyright laws of Germany. Duplication, distribution or other utilization in every form of provided texts, images, audio- and video-documents and all other content of this website is strictly prohibited without the explicit written consent of the provider.
Excluded from this restriction are invitations and information regarding events of the provider which can be distributed freely.