Science and Technology Academy

The Science and Technology Academy (STA) is counteracting the shortage of highly qualified experts and promotes the increasing need for technology transfer between companies and Kiel University.

Within the framework of the STA, highly qualified students of international degree programs in the master’s phase are given a perspective of financing their studies while at the same time being in contact with participating companies. Based on the concept of a dual study program, students receive financing, which minimally includes basic support, through sponsorships from the companies. In return, students commit to working for the companies during the lecture-free periods.

Furthermore, the STA also provides support during the doctoral phase and facilitates partnerships that go well beyond the existing, so-called industrial doctorate.

Currently, the STA is being introduced in the international master’s program in materials science and electrical engineering at the Faculty of Engineering at Kiel University. Other courses of study are to follow successively.

If you and your company are interested in becoming a sponsor of the Science and Technology Academy, please contact Dr. Johana Fajrdo Castro at